
Reducing information pollution with Information Overload Day

Information Overload Day, also known as Information Overload Awareness Day, is observed next on Tuesday, October 17th, 2017.

It might seem strange to dedicate a day to such a thing as information overload, but on 20 October, businesses all over the world do just that. So, on this strange holiday, we’re going to take a moment to consider what information overload is, the history of Information Overload Day, and how you can take steps to consider the changes you might make to the way your company takes in, and gives out information.

What is information overload?

Information overload is a phenomenon completely unique to modern life. Every day we are constantly faced with a barrage of information. Whether it’s social media updates on our phone or constant alerts letting us know we’ve got new emails, there’s no way to escape the never-ending flow of updated information we’re expected to take in unless we just turn off our phones. In 2017, however, there’s more pressure than ever before to be constantly available and ready to reply to messages or notifications at any time of day. The negative effects of information overload mean that people can end up becoming stressed out and anxious, constantly thinking about the next thing they’ll have to read or reply to.

How did Information Overload Day come about?

Unlike many holidays named after a particular concept or person, Information Overload Day is, in fact, not dedicated to a celebration of its namesake. It was dreamt up by a group of companies, otherwise known as the Information Overload Research Group (IORG) who wanted to raise awareness about the damaging effects of information overload and bring about positive change. Not only have the iORG created this day, they have actually started suggesting practical changes that can be made in the workplace to aid in reducing information overload. For example, in 2015, the IORG put forward a challenge to the corporate world, wondering whether it would be possible for employees to send 20 fewer messages a day to help reduce the stress staff feel as the result of a constant bombardment of unnecessary information. Information Overload Day is about taking back control over the information that you process daily, and knowing you have the right to unplug yourself from electronic devices for a moment to stop and breathe.

Why is information overload such a problem?

If your company is causing your employees and/or your customers to suffer from information overload, this can be seriously detrimental to business. Scientific studies have proven that an information overload leads to a downturn in the human brain’s capacity for problem-solving. This means more mistakes made by your staff and customers feeling like they’re unable to assess your company as an option because they’re not able to take a moment to stop and think.

Here at iFactory, we’ve been thinking about ways to combat information overload online since 2004. We’re specialists in Brisbane web development and create content that your customers will genuinely want to take in, without feeling like they need to send your website through an information overload filter. For more information about our innovative digital marketing solutions, find out more.

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