Past and Future Of Logos
Branding Meets Logos
The branding of your company is as important as the planning of procedure, client demographic and financial resourcing. A successful logo takes investment and careful consideration to ensure that it has public appeal and a sensibility with the business. Graphic Designers can create outstanding logos which represent your brand perfectly and they are well worth the investment as a part of your digital marketing.
Some of the biggest brands in the world have spent a great deal of time and money investing in the logos and it is no surprise as they compete for market share to drive customer interaction and increase their sales. There have been some interesting, thought-provoking and creative changes, whilst others have been complete transformations.
Initially Apple’s logo in 1976 was a black and white shield wrapped in a ribbon motif emblazoned with ‘Apple Computers’. It was a far cry from its eponymous apple symbol. In 1977, however the company embraced its namesake icon in a rainbow pattern and continued with its evolution to black in 1998 and the most-recent brushed silver style in 2011. Despite the colour change the logo has really stood the test of time and speaks to customers strongly.
Transformation of the Apple logo and hypothetical future changes
Check out this image of the ‘Apple transformation’
Microsoft has also undergone some noticeable changes in its logo design. In 1975 it started with a soft grey, etching style bubble font that split the name into two words: Micro-Soft. In 1982 the company overhauled their logo design to black capital letters that captured a computerised circle symbol in the letter O. The transformations continued when in 1987 it changed to a capital letter beginning with an emboldened and italicised font. As its momentum and familiarity grew in the market place Microsoft decided to drop the full name and go with an overlapping bold double-letter icon ‘MS’ in 2012. A shift towards dropping the name entirely speaks volumes for how a logo can become so iconic that words are no longer needed.
Transformation of the Microsoft logo and hypothetical future changes
Image of the ‘Microsoft Transformation’
Deciding on a logo design for your business does not have to be something that cannot be changed in time. Undoubtedly your business will grow and transform and your branding should reflect that change. If you are just starting out and you need a logo or you are well into your business development and you would like to update your branding, our team at iFactory are specialists in developing an aesthetic for your business that truly represents who you are. Talk to us today to find out how we can help you create or enhance your logo.