Everyone has an opinion, and everyone has a Facebook profile. Facebook Recommendations combines the two – but what is it, exactly? […]
Facebook says goodbye to reviews function (and hello to recommendations)

Everyone has an opinion, and everyone has a Facebook profile. Facebook Recommendations combines the two – but what is it, exactly? […]
When it comes to your online presence, you know that getting visitors to your website is only a small part of your challenge. Getting people to act once they’re on your site – that’s the tough part. Fortunately, there are a few tricks you should employ to start converting those window-shoppers to paying customers. […]
The Pablo extension for Google Chrome, created by social media marketing geniuses Buffer, provides users with an easy platform with which to create effective and enthralling images for social media. You might be thinking you’ve already got that area covered, or that you’d prefer to look for the perfect picture yourself. If you’re doubtful about […]
In today’s social media saturated world, it may seem hard to believe that there would be competition between the two front runners in communication – Twitter and Instagram. Yet the competition is fierce, due to the fact that businesses can gain better footholds in their consumer bases from using one or the other, but not […]
In 2015, office networks and hard drives are old news. The secure and efficient way to store your company’s data is using cloud storage. As this trend develops, two big names are leading the way: Google Drive and Dropbox. Both products allow you to store large amounts of data in a password-protected online space. This means […]
Welcome to part two of our guide to getting started with Google’s Inbox app. Want to know more about Inbox? Read iFactory’s part one of the Google’s Inbox series to get a better understanding of how Inbox by Gmail can help you. Install and explore Once you have your invitation from Google’s Inbox, you’ll need to […]
Is this the future of email? The Inbox app, available on Android and Google Chrome, is the latest innovation by the Google team to help busy people like you organise your email. iFactory’s web design team takes a look at the new Inbox by Gmail that launched last week. Specifically, how Inbox can assist you […]
Real-time collaboration, task tracking, cost management and reporting are just some of the benefits to using project management software. In this article, iFactory reviews JobBag, a project management software package designed for creative businesses. As a full-service digital agency and JobBag user, here is our take on JobBag. What is JobBag? JobBag certainly has a […]