
Which CMS? Umbraco versus Drupal

Umbraco vs Drupal. Find out the pros and cons of the top two open source content management systems (CMS).

If you’re looking to upgrade your website it can be difficult to know which content management system will suit your needs. Today, there’s a dizzying array of platforms from which to choose. In this article we look at two leading content management systems, Umbraco and Drupal.

What is a content management system?

A content management system (CMS) is a software tool that lets you manage your site content in an easy-to-use backend. Text, graphics, photos, videos and audio can all be easily published and edited by non-technical users through straightforward navigation. Some CMSs are licenced, while others are open-source.  Some are better suited for eCommerce applications, while others are better for blogging.

Should I use Umbraco?

Here are the basics about Umbraco:

  • .NET framework
  • Windows operating system
  • Cloud hosting supported by Windows Azure
  • Ease of integration with MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server databases
  • Open source with mix of free and paid licences
  • Big names using Umbraco include Peugeot, Costa, Heinz, Vogue
  • Clean organisation, which makes it very user-friendly for content editors
  • For more, visit Umbraco.

Or is Drupal the better option?

Here are the basics about Drupal:

  • PHP framework
  • Compatible with ALL operating systems
  • Most cloud hosting providers are Drupal friendly
  • Ease of integration with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and more
  • Open source with mix of free and paid licences
  • Big names using Drupal include University of Oxford, British Medical Journal, The Weather Channel
  • Built, used and supported by worldwide community
  • For more, visit Drupal.


Both are used by big names in business. Both are open source with a mix of free and licenced modules. One could argue that the big difference is in the framework. If you are more familiar with .NET and you’re using Microsoft for hosting (Azure) and your in-house databases, then Umbraco might be your best bet. However, if you want independence from Microsoft and you’re familiar with PHP, then Drupal could be a go.

Ultimately, the CMS you choose needs to realise your business goals while being responsive to your technical requirements and expertise. That’s why we strongly recommend speaking to an independent digital agency. An independent agency will analyse your business objectives and provide a best of breed digital solution.

iFactory is one of Brisbane’s most trusted independent digital agencies. We’ve been around for more than 10 years specialising in website designapp developmentdigital marketing and more. Contact iFactory today on 07 3844 0577 or view our case studies.

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