
How to use social media to market your unsexy industry

Do you feel as though your industry simply isn’t built to look sexy on the Internet? How do you make an engineering company look fascinating on Facebook? How do you maintain the authority required of a B2B business without boring your readers?

Are you struggling to develop an understanding of what is social media and how you can use it for social networking?

Don’t despair. All you need is a compelling social media strategy and the good news is, it’s much easier than you think. Here are some tips.

Support and help your customers

People don’t surf the Internet because they wanted to blasted by ads and harassed by cold calls. What they want is help. They usually Google for information and advice. So, if you want their attention, your social media policy should provide valuable assistance.

Create posts containing expert knowledge that’s relevant to your industry. Research FAQs and write up articles that answer them. Record instructional YouTube videos teaching fundamental skills. Attract potential clients by arousing their interest and helping them out.

Provide targeted information

As the old adage goes, you can’t please everyone. Besides, you don’t need to. The people you need to entertain, inform and engage are the ones who are likely to be interested in your particular industry. If, for example, you’re selling fine wine, your material might include discussions of gourmet foodie experiences and boutique hotels, but it won’t include a list of the ‘Top Ten Best Places to Eat for Less than $10’. Your social media marketing shouldn’t fall into the trap of trying to attract the whole world, otherwise you’ll lose what makes you special.

Seek help

Being an expert in a particular field or good at running a business, doesn’t translate to being a digital marketing guru or digital strategy god. So, sometimes it’s a great idea to bite the bullet and seek assistance. Consider outsourcing your copywriting and social media strategy to a company with a proven track record in the digital world.

Digital experts iFactory can offer powerful assistance when it comes to growing your business through social media. We provide a complete solution, from creative ideas and website development, to keeping track of traffic stats and turning readers into loyal clients. If you’re serious about using social media to promote your digital profile, don’t hesitate to get in touch with iFactory.

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