Reasons to avoid pirated WordPress themes and plugins on your website
Here is why you should resist the temptation of acquiring pirated themes and plugins. (Asides from the law.)
Working within a tight budget should not be an excuse for you to use pirated themes and plugins. The risks involved are not worth it because the security of your website is at stake. Such platforms are all over the internet for you to click the ‘download’ button. Here is why you should resist the temptation of acquiring pirated WordPress themes and plugins.
Hacking threat
Pirated themes can have certain encrypted codes that can be used by hackers to gain access to your website remotely. We know how much damage unauthorised access can cost your business and you don’t want your firm to fall victim to that. Some malware redirects traffic coming to your site to that of your competitors. You also expose your customers to the risk of getting the virus in their devices.
If theme developers find out that you are using a pirated version of their products, they can contact your web host. They can decide to suspend your account, and your business activities online will be made impossible. It can cost you more since traffic could redirect to your competitors during this period.
Substandard services
You cannot access support services through a pirated software, and this will compromise the quality of service acquired from the product. If you get stuck, you cannot access essential help like you would with iFactory products. Updates on the themes will not be available to you either, and you will miss out on the latest versions of the same. You cannot authenticate your WordPress to receive updates if your software is not legit. Arguably, you can get updates from the pirate websites, but you will be increasing the risk of malware with more downloads.
Pirated themes and plugins may feel like a smart economic decision at first, but the repercussions outweigh the little savings. Besides, costs are unavoidable when running a business. Do not be too ambitious since a web developer in Brisbane like iFactory has a variety of web design options that can fit your small budget. You can upgrade to more premium and advanced functionality with time. Make the wise decision and call us today and let us get your business a reputable web page design in Brisbane.