Digital marketing trends and predictions for 2015
The world of digital marketing is forever changing, and in order to keep up with the times it’s essential to stay on the pulse of up and coming trends. Get complacent and don’t move with the times, and it’s likely that you’ll fall behind.
With 2015 fast approaching, there are a whole host of changes and challenges that we can expect to face as marketers. As a leading digital agency in Brisbane, here are iFactory’s digital marketing trends and predictions for 2015.
1# Increase in quality content marketing
Recent years have seen a move away from traditional marketing techniques and a shift towards creating high quality and relevant content that addresses customers’ needs and interests. This is otherwise known as inbound marketing, and works by attracting customers to your brand through insightful content they want to read and can engage with, rather than simply shouting about your product.
This marketing method has been increasing in popularity for some time now, and currently an average of about a quarter of marketing budget is going towards content marketing. Considering that interesting content is one of the top three reasons that people follow brands on social media, it’s unsurprising that we can expect to see a rise in the budget allocated for this type of marketing.
In 2015 we can expect to see more investment in good quality content, with a greater focus on relevance, customer experience and offering something useful to the reader.
2# Move to marketing through video
The use of video in marketing has also been increasing exponentially over the last few years, thanks to improving and more affordable technology. It’s very likely that its use will continue to rise in 2015, in particular due to the way customers respond to video marketing. It’s been shown that customers engage more with video than they do with other types of content, with higher click through rates and more social sharing. The effects of video marketing are plain to see, with increased conversion rates and ultimately more sales.
Explainer videos in particular are likely to become more common in the upcoming year, and are predicted to be a bigger part of user experience and lead generation. These videos enable you to show how a product or service works in a way that is impossible with just text and images.
We can expect to see most marketers making greater use of the video medium in 2015, engaging in visual storytelling to nurture and grow online communities.
3# A mobile-first approach
We all know that mobile use has been increasing year upon year, and this is greatly affecting the way in which we market to customers. There are now more ways to target your audience than ever before, and at any time of the day – people constantly have their phone on them, so you can reach out to them whether they’re at home, at work, or even at the gym.
Mobile spending is growing seven times faster than desktop spending, and Morgan Stanley’s analysts predict that in 2015 the mobile web will be actually bigger than the desktop internet. With this in mind, we can expect to see more adaptive websites and a more mobile friendly user experience.
With the use of mobile being driven up by new phones, tablets, and in 2015, wearable tech, there is a need to implement a mobile-first focus when marketing to customers.
Your digital marketing strategy starts with iFactory
If you’re looking to start getting your digital marketing strategy ready for 2015, get in touch with iFactory; an experienced and professional digital agency in Brisbane who deal with all aspects of digital marketing, website design and ecommerce.