
Showdown: Instagram vs Twitter

In today’s social media saturated world, it may seem hard to believe that there would be competition between the two front runners in communication – Twitter and Instagram. Yet the competition is fierce, due to the fact that businesses can gain better footholds in their consumer bases from using one or the other, but not always from using both.

Instagram is the social media platform providing a stage for photos of everyday life – complete with a delightful, and well used, array of filters. Twitter, is essentially the text social media platform – photos exist on the medium but they never took off with quite as much fervour as Instagram. These two social networks have their own fan bases and we think it’s time we looked at how they differ so you can make the best use of social media for your business.

Instagram tends to have a bit younger of an audience base. Indeed, the five reasons you should be on Instagram,  highlight that point very clearly. Consumers use Instagram with a fervent adoration, and this is something any business would do well to tap into. But you must have the talent and brand clarity to be able to express your brand and business through photos. The text option leaves much to be desired in this arena, so make sure professional photographers are used and your company’s message is simple and clear. One great option is the ability to post to Twitter at the same time. Just watch those hashtags being oversaturated on Twitter.

On that same note, Twitter allows for more elaboration and hits a broader audience. The users of Twitter have expanded massively and they incorporate the full range of potential consumers you should be aiming to reach with your social network efforts. A lot of new users are not the most adept at Twitter, which makes our Twitter cheat sheet an excellent resource if you are just starting to find your way through the social media storm.

The resources to assist you in building your company’s brand through social media networks, including Instagram and Twitter, are right here at iFactory. Determining which social network is the best to communicate with customers, and which to advertise your brand on, can be daunting and that’s why we are here. We can help you with your social media strategy and find out which channel is right for your business. For a taste of what we could do for you, check out our Instagram and Twitter accounts.

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