5 reasons you should be on Instagram
We know what you’re thinking. You’re asking why – when you’re already using certain social networks – you need to be using another one. Many people think that Instagram is just a tool for teenagers to share their photos of sunsets, pets and what they’re eating, but the truth is that it can be a great strategic business tool – with a huge audience – that you can use to help your business grow.
Instagram is one of the hottest social networks for businesses today. With over 200 million users, it’s a great way to connect with your community. With 25% of Fortune 500 businesses using Instagram, they must be on to something. Instagram is an excellent way to provide quality, engaging, and fun content to your community. Here are our top 5 reasons why you should be using Instagram too.
1. Show off your brand’s personality
Whatever the type, size or age of your business, it will have a personality that you’ll want to show off to both customers and potential customers. You can use Instagram to share photos and videos of company events, celebrations, milestones, mascots and more to differentiate yourselves from the competition, and keep you top of mind.
2. Engage with your target audience
On the whole, photos are far more likely to engage social media users than text alone. You can post photos looking for feedback, run competitions, comment on other people’s photos relating to your brand or industry… there are plenty of ways to get the conversation flowing and get people interested in your brand.
3. Find out what your competitors are up to
Instagram may still be new to you, but it’s likely that a number of your competitors will already be using the tool. You’ll be able to check out how they use Instagram and how successful their strategy is – and you can use this information to shape your Instagram strategy for the future, and to help you to stay one step ahead.
4. It’s a creative channel
Sure, Twitter and Facebook require a certain degree of creativity, but Instagram takes it to a whole new level. It’s easy to take a photo, but it’s harder to take a photo that appeals to a large number of people and keeps them coming back for more. Once you crack it, though, you’ll soon find out just how useful a channel it can be.
5. The stats don’t lie
Why should you include Instagram in your digital strategy? Because there’s a reason why other brands are. It’s a growing channel, with 50 million or so new sign-ups in the last 6 months alone. It has excellent engagement numbers. Its users are incredibly active, and there’s a whole host of marketing activities you can do with the service, including running competitions, telling stories, going behind the scenes of your brand and a whole lot more. With so much potential and so many uses, it’s easy to see why Instagram is now a key part of many businesses’ digital toolkits.
If digital marketing isn’t your thing, or if you need help putting together a digital strategy, contact us today to discuss how we can help here at iFactory: a leading digital agency Brisbane businesses can rely on. Or if you want to see how we use Instagram ourselves, follow us at https://instagram.com/ifactorydigital.