
Off-The-wall Apps That Are Surely Worth Your Attention

The proliferation of App design and App development has brought about a myriad of applications with which to fill you phone and your time. At first mobile applications which met the high-standard bill of design and functionality were approved for sale on the Apple App Store. Over time the standards for app subject matter has certainly broadened and the result has meant an influx of off-the-wall apps that will amuse but confuse too.

Hold On

A game that does and is really how it sounds. Upon launching a simple screen with a timer flashes up that has accuracy down to the microsecond. The biggest button on the screen simply says ‘Hold On’. You place your desired finger onto the button and ‘hold on’ for as long as you can. The game certainly does not demand particularly skilful players, but it does offer you a chance to test your patience.

Pizza Compass

Food cravings can be difficult burdens to bear, but the Pizza Compass app has solved the stress associated with wanting pizza. It is a location and map based application that allows you to search for the closest pizza available to you when you initiate Pizza Compass. All you need to do is enable the location services feature and walk in the direction of the spinning pizza shaped compass. Bon appetite!


A particularly innovative way to take advantage of iPhone’s impressive capabilities to create a unique experience for the user. It takes the action of writing a message on a steamed-up piece of glass – where a message can either be written before the screen steams up or afterwards depending on your purpose. In addition you can select any background you wish for the steamy message.

Zit Picker

A particularly gross app that gives you a digital face (Veronica) which becomes covered with pimples. Your job? Squeeze the pimples using the correct method and watching for the optimal time to do it (cannot pick until a whitehead appears). If you lose out on the best pimple squeeze time the face will be left with a blackhead. The best part of the app is that you can swap Veronica for a photo of whomever you please and squeeze their face till your heart’s content. You can even save the gruesome end shot.

iFactory’s creative and experience developers and programmers can offer your business a unique and innovative extension to your online presence with a custom app, mobile app or online app. Contact us today to find out what will work with your business.

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