8 great tools that create content ideas
There are a wide range of tools available that can help you create new, engaging content that is relevant to your online audience.
Nobody said creating new, engaging, relevant content is easy, but there are a few top tools that can help re-energise your content marketing efforts and drive your digital strategy.
1. Try a blog aggregator
Aggregators are like directories that collate articles on various subjects. Here are just a few of the blog aggregators around:
Choose your topic and then draw on any relevant, interesting and useful data you can find. Linking to the original source is essential, not only to credit the original authoritative source but to provide reassurance that your content can be trusted.
2. Read the Barometer
Google has a tool called the Consumer Barometer, which is designed to help people understand how the Internet is being used. The Barometer gives you step-by-step instructions on how to create custom analysis graphs, compare trends, device usage and view Google’s research highlights, and much more.
3. Mine the forums
Forums can provide some excellent insights into a wide range of topics. Make sure you occasionally log-in to the industry forums that influence your business or that of your clients to see what sort of questions are generating a buzz. Other communities to check out include: Yahoo Answers, Reddit, Quora, and Ask MetaFilter
4. What are your competitors up to?
This one seems obvious, but keep a close eye on the content that is scoring high levels of engagement among your competitors. Are you missing something? Are you offering anything different? There’s a great tool called Ahrefs Content Explorer that is based on keywords and can help you find the content that is getting shared the most.
5. Build your own data bank
Google Consumer Surveys is another Google tool and it does require a small budget, but if your business needs fast, accurate market research, this is a tool that can help you ask precisely the questions you need and provide you with the analytical tools to present your findings in a wide range of formats.
6. Round-up the experts
Here’s a way to gather the opinions of industry experts without having to even know the industry experts. MyBlogU lets you crowd-source content ideas with tools that let you request others’ opinions on the topic of your choice. The Group Interview tool also lets you contribute your own experience/opinion/ case study to others’ requests too. Try it out: MyBlogU
7. Whiteboards and Sharpies
Now you’ve got the tools that can help you generate your content, you need to hone your strategy to pull it all together and maximise its value. That’s where whiteboards, post-it notes and sharpies can help. Get all your ideas down on paper, move them around and see how many of your content ideas connect to each other.
8. You’re playing the long game
We didn’t promise that these 8 tools would write your blogs, case stories and web content for you. They’re not quick fixes, they’re genuine tools that will help you find new ways to deliver fresh content that engages and connects your audience.
iFactory helps a wide range of clients with their content marketing including, digital strategy, web design and digital marketing needs. For a digital solution that speaks directly to your audience call us on +61 7 3844 0577 or email info@ifactory.com.au.