Australian social media use in 2015: Part Three
You’ve arrived at Part Three of our four-part series, examining Australians and social media use in 2015. The amazing facts you’ll read here are from the May 2015 Sensis Social Media Report.
You’ve arrived at Part Three of our four-part series, examining Australians and social media use in 2015. The amazing facts you’ll read here are from the May 2015 Sensis Social Media Report. In Part One, we took care of the basics and, in Part Two, we covered personal and consumerist motivations. Now, we’re going to reveal what users expect from the brands and companies they follow. If you use social media for business, this info is vital.
What do social media users want from businesses?
First up, it’s worth knowing that one-third of social media users said they weren’t looking for anything from the businesses they follow. However, of those who were after benefits, 45% wanted discounts, 35% were after give-aways and 30% sought coupons. In other words, if bargains and free stuff are regular fixtures in your digital marketing campaigns, then you’re on the right track!
Next in line was product info, at 27%; then:
- Invitations to events, at 26% (who doesn’t like a party?)
- Tips and advice, at 24%
- Info about the company, at 24%
- Feedback forums, at 20% (i.e. a chance to praise or complain!) and
- Industry info, at 21%.
Does anyone pay attention to ads anym ore?
The effectiveness of traditional advertising has been in question for years now. However, it looks like users’ attitudes towards ads on social network sites aren’t quite as negative as you might think. 38% of respondents said they were “quite happy to see ads on social network sites”, while only 31% reported being “turned off by companies or brands that advertise on social network sites”.
Wondering whether or not you can expect anyone to click on ads? Well, 55% of people said they take no notice of them, but 42% said they click on them to “find out more”. The news isn’t so good for sponsored posts from unknown businesses – 72% of users claimed to ignore them altogether.
Need more info?
Head backwards to take a look at Part One and Part Two or go forward, to Part Four. Wondering how you can improve your social media for business or looking for outstanding web design in Brisbane or reliable web development in Brisbane? Contact the creative and marketing team at iFactory now!
See the full Sensis Social Media Report May 2015.