Which social media site is best for your business?
The most confusing question when starting out is: which social platform should focus the most energy on?
Whether you are an entrepreneur or a large corporate company, commencing a digital marketing campaign on social media is daunting.
The word ‘social’ makes the campaign seem fun and glamorous, but, to the new user, a digital campaign is anything but. Most people own their own personal social media accounts, but aren’t aware of the time that will need to be invested in them for business.
The most confusing question when starting out is: which social platform should focus the most energy on?
Instead of trying to tackle all social media sites at once, take a step back and channel high school. Where do all your people hang out? To narrow the social site sphere, you will need to identify your demographic and what they are interested in. Once you have established this, you will need to suss out the scene by analysing the more popular sites and who they’re best for:
LinkedIn is perfect for B2B companies. The site is designed specifically for those aspiring to make network connections or seek work-related information. The audience is often a high sociodemographic who will absorb detailed industry-related information.
Twitter is for people on the move. Information junkies often rely on it for their news and the demographic is younger. They want short, sharp snippets of interesting information. If you have constant timely news, Twitter is a great way to drive two-way communication.
Facebook is the best platform to use to reach the broadest network as it is the most frequently used social media site. Facebook is littered with business pages and sponsored posts, so call to action posts are required to drive engagement.
If you have a large visual component to your business, Instagram users may be the most engaged in your business. Hashtags and shares are rife on Instagram, so keep your posts bright and flowing regularly.
This is just the tip of the social media iceberg. The most effective way to start a social media campaign for your business is to ask the experts. The plethora of tips, tricks and links are endless, so it’s best to get some professional digital marketing and digital strategy advice from the team at iFactory.