Google releases Panda 4.0. What does this mean for your website?
As some of you may be aware Google have released a new algorithm Panda 4.0. Google’s Matt Cutts set the ball in motion when he made the announcement over Twitter.
What is the Google Panda update?
Google have brought the Panda update out to ultimately stop sites with poor quality information from rising to the top of the search engine rankings.
How is Panda version 4.0 different?
Previously to this Google have not taken as much care in bringing Panda updates to our attention so this one must be a major improvement in their eyes. Google’s Matt Cutts has described this update as being of the ‘next generation’ and should have a direct impact on helping small business owners with their digital marketing efforts.
Shortly after the announcement of the new Panda algorithm, Matt Cutts announced a new version of the “Payday Loan” algorithm (PDL 2.0). The original Payday Loan algorithm was released in June of last year and has no relation to Google’s Panda or Penguin algorithms targeting specifically ‘very spammy queries.’ With these two processes many websites have lost their rankings after the update.
Why have you lost website traffic since the Panda 4.0 release?
If you are not following Googles rules you will be penalised, simple as. If you have found that your search ranking has dropped significantly since the release along with your traffic you have been one of many to have been hit. This may have been due to over optimization on your part. Google want to give those with the best user experience the most visibility in search.
What can you do to avoid dropping in Google’s search engine?
To avoid penalisation from Google it is best practice to base your digital strategy and digital marketing efforts on your target audience and their user experience. Here are some tips to help you in doing so:
- Do post quality material. Don’t post for the sake of it.
- Do utilise on page optimisation. Don’t spam.
- Google + is also an important part of the Panda 4.0 survival and quality use will be rewarded.
- Remove or adjust previous low quality content.
- Create web design with user profiles in mind.
- Create UNIQUE content. Do not create automatically.
Which type of websites were penalised after the Panda 4.0 release?
According to several online reports, major brands such as,, and have dropped significantly on Googles search ranking.
These brands would appear to have a somewhat habitual relation to content which is not good enough for Google’s new ranking algorithm.
If you haven’t been spamming Google lately these updates probably won’t affect you or your visibility in search engine rankings.
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